Your certified guide to

reiki healing
as a way of life

healing WITH shukman


Release yourself from anxiety and self doubt, find the focus and mental clarity from within.


Feel restoratively balanced and energised, radiating self love and inner confidence.


Deepen your spiritual journey, find your inner purpose to pave the way towards fulfilment.



Born into a samurai family…

Mikao Usui studied Buddhisim from the age of 4 at the local monastry school. During the school years, he had learnt martial arts, an energy balancing system ‘qigong’, as well as meditation and healing. In his adult life, it was known that he had held many positions from a government officer to a successful businessman.

However, fortunes turned and he fell into bankruptcy, failing to support his family, he sought to understand the deeper meaning of this failure through monastic endeavours. Still no answer came forward, he ventured into Mount Kurama with the intention to completely surrender. After enduring 21 days in solitude, Mikao suddenly felt he was surrounded by a blinding white light. He felt a deep connection to the universe - an experience he described as forgiveness, acceptance and love. In his enlightenment, he descended down the mountain only to catch his toe on a knarled tree root, in pain he instinctively placed his hands over the wound. To his amazement he realised that his experience not only allowed him a spiritual connection but also access to a remarkable healing modality. Mikao later described this as Rei, ‘spiritual’ Ki ‘life force energy’.

And so it came in 1922, Mikao returned home, tried out the healing on family and friends, moved his family to Tokyo and opened a small practice to give Reiki treatments. He also developed a technique of attuning this gift onto students.

The result being, we have a 100 year old healing system that we call today ‘Reiki’.

The original Kanji, with the now simplified version

reiki AT WORK

symbols and science

Working in harmony with your energy, I always begin with sensing your aura, the body’s energy/auric field. The energy waves at this level are finer, faster and lighter, unlike the physical body where the cellular energy vibrates at a much lower and slower rate, hence visable. 

My personalised healing utilises the 3 Reiki symbols, Power (the physical experience), Harmony (emotional, mental and spiritual) and Connection (transcendence, universal connectivity). Each symbol has its own vibrational frequency, so when used during the healing, will reverberate deeper with the chakra energy field. 

The channelled energy works on a deep and superficial vibration level. Deep cellular work will naturally induce a state of meditative relaxation, whilst superficial vibrations will seek to ease muscle ache and fatigue. Each treatment is beautifully unique, bespoke to you on every occasion.



Professional Reiki Diploma

Certified CNHC member

UK Reiki Federation Practitioner member

Reiki Science Academy Associate member